terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2016

[AnyKernel] Hurtsky - CM12.x/AOSP para Moto G - Falcon

-Bootloader Desbloqueado
-Recovery Customizado (TWRP Recomendado)


- Compiled with latest Built with latest custom Gcc 5.1 ArchiToolchain optimized for Cortex-A7
- enabled Dynamic Fsync
- dynamic management of dirty page writeback
- Add AutoSMP hotplug driver (really nice)
- Add IntelliPlug
- updated Sched/fair structure
- GPU Adreno Idler for msm-adreno-tz - enabled by default
- ZEN, SIO, FIOPS, VR IO schedulers
- implement s2w dt2w
- Intelli Demand governor
- intelli Active governor
- Intelli Thermal V2
- zzmoove Governors with tweaked profile for moto G
- yanactive governor
- impluse governor
- enhanced lowmemorykiller from neobuddy - (greately try to avoid lowmemorykiller from killing systemui, contact, and process core)
- filter WAKEUP that caused from disabling AMBIENT DISPLAY (reduce wakeup)
- msm_limitter that limit freq at 600mhz during screen off
-*Powersuspend (for dt2w version only)
- KCAL support for post processing control [v2]
- Enable headset in high performance
- WQ_POWER_EFFICIENT for power oriented workqueues
- Optimized ARM RWSEM algorithm
- Asynchronous I/O latency to a solid-state disk greatly increased
- selinux in permissive
- Disable many debug option to reduced overhead of the kernel

  1. Baixe o Kernel e coloque na memória interna ou sd card;
  2. Renicie seu aparelho em modo recovery e faça: "Wipe Cache & Dalvik"
  3. Clique em "Install" procure o arquivo zip do Kernel e selecione-o;
  4. Confirme o flash e após a instalação ser finalizada faça: "Wipe Cache & Dalvik" novamente e reinicie o aparelho.
[AnyKernel] Hurtsky: Servidor Original

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